Remedy Routine Three: Directing Qi Into Lower Dan Tian


Part 1. Preparation

Stand with your feet as wide apart as your shoulders and pointing straight ahead, knees slightly bent. Let your shoulders relax. Allow your hands to fall at your sides naturally. Place the tip of your tongue on your upper palate, just behind your teeth. Relax the root of your tongue. Smile slightly. Keep your eyes level and open, thinking of nothing.


Use your mind to relax your head, your neck, your shoulders, your elbows, your wrists, your fingers, your chest, your stomach, your back, your waist, your hips, your knees, your ankles, your feet, and your toes. Gather qi into your lower dan tian. Concentrate your mind on your lower dan tian for a little while.


Direct qi from your lower dan tian down to hui yin (sea bottom) and back up and along du mai (governing channel) to da zhui. At this point, split the qi into two streams and direct it through the middle of the shoulders, down through the arms to lao gong.

Part 2. Taking back the qi.

Turn your palms forward and, using your shoulders as pivots, raise your arms while holding a ball of outer qi in your hands. Beam it into bai hui. Open your chest by spreading out your elbows. With palms down and fingertips pointing at each other, let your hands descend in front of your body, guiding qi through middle channel into your lower dan tian (see figures 235,236,237,238).


Part 3. Shou gong - finish.

When your hands descend to the level of your navel, relax your fingers and bend them slightly and then push your hands gently away from your body with the back of your hands angled a bit towards the body at about 45 degrees. At the same time push your wei lu (tail bone) backwards as if to sit, keeping your upper body straight. Be sure your nose is in line with your navel. Turn palms in to face lower dan tian, fingertips pointing at each other and slightly down. Embrace a ball of qi in front of lower dan tian and relax your shoulders. Use your mind to contract your hui yin (sea bottom). Draw your hands toward your lower abdomen and when they are one inch away from it, move your hands along your hips and sides and then let them fall naturally down as you straighten your legs (see figures 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244).


Note: If you want to gather back scattered qi, you may use this method. But, if it does not work effectively, you may use the next routine called "Gathering Qi Into Dan Tian from the Eight Directions. "



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Last changed 11/28/06

Copyright © 2006 Qigong Association of America