Remedy Routine 3 - Gathering Qi into the Lower Dan Tian

Soaring Crane Qigong consists of the main form - called the Five Routines.  It also has a group of small routines called the Remedy Routines.

Remedy Routines are short forms usually directed at a specific problem.

This Remedy Routine is to direct energy into your lower Dan Tian.

Understand where your Dan Tians are.

The Dan Tians:  In the Chinese model, the body has these energy centers called the upper, middle and lower Dan Tian.  They are located in the head, heart and below the navel.  They are located on the central channel (zhong mai) that goes through the body from Bai Hui on the top of the head to Hui Yin located in the perineum.  The figure below will help illustrate this for you.

In Soaring Crane Qigong we focus a lot on the Lower Dan Tian.  It is associated with healing the body.

Understand where your Du Mai is.

You also need to know about the Du Mai.  This is the channel that runs up the back of the body, along the spine:


Other points you need to know:

  • Bai Hui - on the top of your head.
  • Lao Gung - in the palm of your hands.
  • Da Zhui - at the base of your neck (illustrated above)
  • Wui Yin - in your perineum - between your anus and your sex organs

If you need more illustration:  (the PDF version is clearer - more like the book)

Figures (Figures - in PDF) - illustrates the points used in Soaring Crane Qigong

Now you know where the points are, now on to the routine.

Remedy Routine 3

I put the routine up in the first link, but it didn't convert too well.  The PDF version is much like the book.

Remedy Routine 3 (Remedy Routine  3 - in PDF) - Directing Qi onto the lower Dan Tian - These moves are the heart of Soaring Crane Qigong.  You can do this Remedy Routine 8 times, turning 45° clockwise between times.  As such it becomes a mini form, takes about 20 minutes, gathers qi from the eight directions.

Learn these routines and you will be well on your way to experiencing Soaring Crane Qigong.


I just put the audio up.  It can help you with pacing.  Getting a feel for the speed.

rr3.ra - a Real Audio streaming version.

rr3.mp3  - the mpeg version



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Last changed 11/28/06

Copyright © 2006 Qigong Association of America